Church Ministry
Paula Blessing Prayer Shawls
Judy giving healing prayers during service
Click here for next plarning group meeting
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Handmade shawls, made with thoughts and prayers of blessings for the recipient.
Shawls can be used for: undergoing medical procedures; as a comfort after a loss or in times of stress; during bereavement; prayer or meditation; commitment or marriage ceremonies; birthing, nursing a baby; bridal shower or wedding gift; during an illness and recovery; ministering to others; graduation, birthday, anniversary, ordination.
Shawls are for anyone in need of comfort.
Healing Prayers
Our healing ministry encompasses many different options and one of those is healing prayers during our Sunday Services. If you are new to St. Michael's, this happens during communion. Much like communion all are welcome to come up to the right side of the church and ask for healing for yourself or others, thanksgiving for a blessing you or someone has received or something else that's on your heart or mind. Our healing ministers will anoint your head with healing oil and pray with and for you as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Rob was chatting with two guys at the Blessing Box and asked how they were doing in this frigid weather. They said that the police let them sleep overnight at the station. So Rob bought some Mylar blankets for the police to give out as they left in the morning. But there is more: Our plarning group has been cutting and crocheting mats for use on the streets. They are lightweight and provide a barrier against the cold. You don't have to be able to crochet to help. We need more hands to prepare those bags! Consider joining the group
It's so easy to be a part of this ministry. Can you cut? Can you bring your own scissors? Will you pick up some soup or other one can meal with a pull top the next time you're at the grocery store? And bring that plastic grocery bag for us, too!
Altar Guild
Members of the altar guild prepare our worship space for services, clean up afterwards and provide the behind-the-scenes ministries that allow our congregation to worship God through our treasured traditions.
The duties of the altar guild are sacred; without the altar guild, our congregation cannot worship God through the ancient rituals that sustain us in God’s holy temple. These “sacred chores” also remind us that our ordinary chores are sacred. When we do our family’s laundry or set the table in our own home, or clean up after a meal, this work done in the service of others is sacred and holy too.